Reliable Weekly Pool Service for Hassle-Free Maintenance

Locations :  
Summerlin | Centennial Hills | Aliante
About the service

We are committed to delivering the highest-quality Weekly Pool Cleaning Service in Las Vegas

We appreciate your business and your loyalty. We promise to work hard to ensure the value of the service we provide! It means A LOT to us when we get recognized for our commitment of pool service. Read some reviews from some of our amazing clients!

pool cleaningpool cleaning
pool cleaningpool cleaning
What you get

Weekly Pool Cleaning Service Las Vegas

Service cost starting from $170

Pool Cleaning

Each week our techs will do a complete water analysis and chemical adjustment (weekly service includes the cost of chemicals), skim and netting of your pool, as well as brushing of walls and steps. We vacuum your pool based on your pool usage and debris in the pool. We empty all skimmer, cleaner, and pump baskets. And do a visual inspection of pool equipment to make sure everything is working properly.

Filter Cleaning

Let Clean Living Pool and Spa chemically clean your filters. By chemically cleaning them it helps them stay cleaner and prolong the life of your filters. We recommend that your filters be cleaned 3 times per year. We will provide this service for you as part of your weekly pool service package (charged separately).

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We Get it. Your Busy.

Let us take care of the pool for you. Call Now.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much should I pay for pool service?

Of course, the larger the pool, the more time it will take to clean and service everything needed. Again, these are national average costs; your area may be cheaper or more expensive. As mentioned above, most pool cleaning services charge by the hour, unless you take advantage of a regular maintenance plan.

  • Small in-ground –10-12k gallons = $170-$195
  • Large in-ground – 13k gallons and bigger  = $190-$425

Is it worth having a pool cleaning service?

Owning a swimming pool comes with responsibilities, which is the price you pay for the joy of your own pool. However, you do not want all your free time to be taken up with pool maintenance. This is why you should hire a pool cleaning service to help:

  • Save Time
  • Stop Pool Cleaning Research
  • Spot Issues Early
  • Maintain Pool Value
  • Long-term Savings
  • Protect Your Health
  • Avoid Harsh Chemicals
  • Consistency

What People are Saying

Experience the difference.

High-quality pool service. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

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