Avoid These 8 Common Pool Cleaning Mistakes for Better Results
Are you one of the 10.4 million Americans that own a residential swimming pool? If so, you probably wonder how you can keep your pool clean to enjoy it for years to come.
There are some pool cleaning mistakes you should avoid. Curious what they are? Keeping your swimming pool clean doesn't have to be hard, so let's dive in and discuss these cleaning mistakes so you can keep swimming.
1. Draining the Water
If your pool has a vinyl liner, you should not drain more than one-third of your pool's water. If you drain more, the vinyl liner can shrink or dry out. This causes more headaches and, typically, requires you to replace the liner, which can be costly.
Draining the water may seem like a great idea to get a great clean in before summer, but you can do most of your necessary regular pool maintenance and cleaning with the water inside. Water needs to replaced every 3-4 years.
2. Relying on Automatic Cleaners
While automatic cleaners are such a time-saver, it's important that you don't solely rely on them. An automatic pool cleaner is a piece of pool cleaning equipment that you drop into your pool to suck away any debris or dirt in your pool (think about the Roomba).
These devices are great to maintain a recently cleaned pool, but you can't rely on them for all your regular maintenance and cleaning. You still need some manual pool cleaning and scrubbing to get all the dirt away. If you have any algae in your pool, this automatic cleaner will only spread it around.
3. Ignoring Your Filter
It's vital that you keep your filter clean during the entire pool season. The frequency that you have to clean your filter depends on a lot of factors like the filter type, the number of contaminants, and how often you use your pool. A good general rule is to clean or backwash your filter when the gauge of the filter goes above 10 PSI.
You also don't want to clean your filter too much, so by following this reading you know it's time to remove debris and clean your filter.
4. Turning Off the Pump
When you turn your pump off, you have no water flowing through your pool. This can be a breeding ground for bacteria. If your pump is on and your water is flowing, your filter doesn't let the water settle to prevent this bacteria growth.
Sunlight also helps bacteria grow, so in the hot summer sun, it's extremely important that you keep your pump on so bacteria doesn't get the chance to grow.
If you are looking to save some money, keep the pump on during the day for about seven to eight hours. Make sure you closely monitor the water for bacteria growth and check that the water levels are still the same. If you see an imbalance, it's time to return to running your pump 24 hours a day to keep the water clean.
5. Adding Chemicals During Hot Weather
You should not add your chemicals during the hottest part of the day because they are less effective. This is because chlorine will form hypochlorite ions when exposed to the sun's ultraviolet rays. The ions then convert to gas and release into the atmosphere.
You will then need twice the amount of chlorine to treat your pool if you add during the hottest parts of the day. You should always add chemicals in the early morning, evening, or at night when the temperatures are cooler to help the chlorine work more effectively.
6. Not Cleaning After Your Pets Use the Pool
It's okay for your furry friend to take a dip in your pool; however, you need to make sure you clean up afterward. The average dog has about three times more contaminants than the average person.
Also, if you leave pet hair in your pool, it can clog the filters and change the pool's chemical levels. You should always treat your water with clarifiers after your furry friend is done. Doing this will break down all the pollutants and oils in the water. On average, you need to clean your filters twice as often if you have pets in the pool.
7. Ignoring the Pool Walls and Bottom
While no one enjoys brushing and scrubbing the pool walls or bottom, it's vital that you do this. Even if you consistently skim the pool water to remove debris and dirt, bacteria and algae can still build up even if you use chemicals. You should scrub and brush your pool's bottom and sides on a weekly basis to prevent your pool from turning green.
8. Failing to Test Your Pool Water Weekly
You should be testing pool water weekly. It helps you stay on top of issues and make them more manageable. You can use test strips or a liquid test.
You are checking your pool's pH, chlorine levels, and alkalinity, which are the critical elements to having safe and clean pool water. If you feel uncomfortable doing so, you can always hire a pool cleaning service to check your pool and keep it clean for you.
Remember testing your water is not a chore; it's giving you the chance to make sure your pool is clean and safe for your next dip.
Avoid These Pool Cleaning Mistakes
Having a pool is a great way to enjoy those warm days and get some exercise right in the comfort of your backyard. Avoid these pool cleaning mistakes by checking your pool's chemicals weekly, cleaning your filter, and scrubbing the pool walls and bottom.
Do you find yourself too busy to tend to your pool? Wondering what it's like to have a pool service do all the hard work for you? Contact us today to see how we can help you just relax and enjoy that nice, clean pool. The professionals at Clean Living Pool and Spa are here to help.